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Congratulations, Dallas, on a successful first year of Lemonade Day! May 4 was our inaugural Lemonade Day event, complete with the Best Tasting Lemonade Contest. What a blast!

We want to know how you did and what your day was like, but first, a few fun facts about Lemonade Day and the Best Tasting Lemonade Contest:

You Came From Far and Wide

So many entrepreneurs from so many different groups! More than 1,000 kids signed up to run lemonade stands this year, including kids from schools, scout groups, churches, athletic clubs, after-school programs, youth organizations, mentoring programs and more.

And places! Kids from 37 different cities participated in this local event.

You’re ALL Winners! 

Alexandra German, owner of the stand Lemon Drops, took the prize of Best Tasting Lemonade, but everyone involved made delicious beverages, including:

  • St. Philips All Stars
  • Kate Callaway, James Callaway and Julianna Lenington
  • Chloe Moore
  • Oscar Gonzales
  • Raujanae’, Raijanae’ and Ry’Nesha Wilson
  • Sadie Hill
  • William Booth and Rhett Rimmer
  • Dylan Caldwell and Carson Caldwell
  • Ellie Malcom

Don’t give up! Join us next year for another tasty contest.

You’re Sharing the Wealth

Our kids have been so generous with their earnings, sharing their profits with organizations such as the Dallas Food Bank, Daughters of Cambodia, SPCA, The Right Way Church and Mission Arlington.

We’re so proud of you for helping those in need!

Give Us the 411, Please!

Please, let us know more about your business. We’d love to know about you and your experience and maybe share your story in the future.

Plus, when you submit your answers, you’re automatically eligible for prizes!

Click this link to fill out a short form. Thank you!

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